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Kingdom Konnect Media Workshop

“All knowledge is connected to all other knowledge. The fun is in making the connections.”

I recently had the opportunity to present at the Kingdom Konnect Workshop, held on April 20, 2024, at Elev8 Church in Phoenix.

DISCLAIMER: We are not experts on the subject matter I discussed. I am merely a product of trial and error, YouTube videos, practice, and lots of questions. Like many of the other speakers, we have accumulated knowledge and experience over many years of serving in the kingdom.

Kingdom Konnect was born out of the necessity to provide local churches with audiovisual assistance, either technically or by sharing knowledge.

A media workshop was held to provide a high-level overview of some important topics that many churches and organizations find challenging.

Topics covered included:

  • Live Streaming Setup by Keith Francis and Julian Chetty

  • Directing and Producing - Valen P. Govender

  • Camera Techniques - Valen P. Govender

  • Audio Setup and Engineering - Jeremy Chetty and Lendel Moonsamy

  • ProPresenter - Bradley Kandhai

  • Easy Worship - Hezekiah Francis

We were also blessed to have missionaries from the Logos Hope attend the workshop, including Dennie Arev from Ecuador, and Debby Hwang and Aspyn Kim from South Korea, with Debby presenting on storytelling using your mobile device.

The day was filled with knowledge and questions, to which we hoped to provide some answers and direction, or at the very least, to spark curiosity and a desire to return to our local churches to research and try new techniques.

Apart form the knowledge that was shared relationships were built and people were connected.



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