Dynasty Kids is a Sunday School based in Verulam, Durban. It is one of the many Sunday School's which form part of the Tomorrow's Leaders Children's Ministry at Revival Ministries.
Dynasty Kids consist of children from Parkgate Section A, a low income area. The Sunday school is an escape for many of them as they are faced with may challenges. One thing is for sure, they may live in a low income area but their spirits are definitely high.
Dynasty Kids Youth & Children's Ministry has more than tripled out register this year with over 130 beautiful children.
I have had the privilege of leading the children for the past few years. it has been challenging, however each challenge helps you unlock a whole new level of understand and strengths which provides the tools required to move to the next level.
It's that time of the year again for Dynasty Kids Youth & Children's Ministry prepares for the New Hope Revival Ministries Annual Christmas Programme. This is a day of ministry through dance dramas & skits. Each Sunday School dresses the kids in themed attire and presents gifts to appreciate them for their attendance and obedience throughout the year.
It has been a challenge for us with not having a venue to rehearse in, however this does not stop the children from giving off their best.
This year we decided to run a Christmas Gift Box initiative as opposed to purchasing gifts like we do every year. This was well received by the public. Individuals pledge boxes and filled them with goodies for the children. We can't wait to see their response when they receive these boxes filled with thought and love.
The Christmas programme will be held on the 3rd of December 2016 at New Hope Revival Ministries in Phoenix, Durban. Look out for my follow up of the day.